
Unravelling Carpet Weaves Offered By Carpet Companies In Sydney

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Unravelling Carpet Weaves Offered By Carpet Companies In Sydney

There are plenty of options available when choosing the most appropriate carpeting. Carpet companies in Sydney offer a range of alternative styles with varying characteristics making each one suited for different applications.

Carpets are created by weaving yarn in and out of the backing material, creating loops. The surface of the carpet is referred to as the pile. In cut pile carpets, the loops are snipped open. In loop pile carpets, the loops are left intact.

Here are the most common types of carpet variants and their attributes to assist in choosing the most desirable look, feel, and application.

Cut Pile Plush

Strands are short and slightly twisted. The feel is soft, smooth and luxurious, giving a formal appearance. Vacuuming tracks and footprints are clearly visible. Difficult to keep clean as dirt and liquids are easily trapped in a pile. Suitable for low traffic areas.

Cut Pile Twist

Strands are short and highly twisted, causing the pile to lie in different directions. The feel is soft and textured. Vacuuming tracks are footprints are less visible. Perfect for high traffic areas.

Level Cut And Loop Pile

This has a combination of cut strands and loops, all at the same length. The feel is soft, and the appearance is textured. Vacuuming tracks and footprints are only temporarily visible. Not suitable for high traffic areas.

Level Loop Pile

Loops are tight and low, all at the same height. The feel is firmer and textured with a more casual appearance. No vacuuming and footprint tracks are visible. Extremely durable and suitable for very high traffic areas.

Multi-Level Loop Pile

Loops vary in height, giving an interesting textured feel. Most suited to patterned and textured designs. No vacuuming and footprint tracks are visible. Very durable and suitable for medium to high traffic areas.


Loops are arranged in straight lines to generate a patterned effect. The feel is stiff due to very low, tight loops. No vacuuming tracks or footprints are visible. Very durable and suitable for high traffic areas.

Still not sure which is the best option for your application? Contact Paradise Floor Coverings today. We are one of the leading carpet companies in Sydney and are here to help.

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